Inspiral Signal
(A Processing program showing the gravitational wave signal of colliding black holes)
Kat Grover
The applet below plays the gravitational wave signal produced from two black holes spiraling into each other.
Set the masses of the black holes using the sliders and then click play to watch and listen.
(This will take a moment to load. There will be a pop-up dialog asking you for the permission required for Java to play sound, please
answer with 'Allow'.)
You can't actually hear gravitational waves, they are small stretches
and squashes of space (see Stretch And Squash) not vibrations of the
air like sound. However the frequency of the gravitational waves from an inspiral like
this happen to be at the same frequency as human hearing.
This means it is possible to represent the gravitational wave as a sound wave and a
picture of a wave on the screen. The inspiral of compact objects
(black holes and neutron stars) produces a distinctive chirp
gravitational wave signal like the one you can hear with the applet. If a
chirp signal is found in the data from a gravitational wave detector
then we known that it must come from such an inspiral. As you can hear,
changing the masses of the two black holes causes a small change in
the form of the chirp
signal. By studying the form of the signal and matching it to models it is
possible to discover the physical properties of the source of the
To create these sounds and images an idealized system has been used, allowing us to see the essence of the physics. The simplifications mean point like particles are moving according to Newton's laws. They then emit gravitational waves which cost energy. This loss of energy means the orbit will get smaller, causing a spiral inwards. For more information see Gravitational Waves: Volume 1 Theory and Experiments by Michele Maggiore.