
Interface Summary
IColourmap IColourmap interface provides several functions that are required for a colourmap to be used by an object.
IColourmapEquation Simple interface which acts as a callback object for EquationColourmap to generate a colourmap from a specific equation.

Class Summary
ColourmapNode ColourmapNode is a class that encapsulates the colour and location of a point, on a colourmap.
EquationColourmap EquationColourmap implements the IColourmap interface to generate a colourmap from an equation, rather than nodes as in the alternative RGBColourmap.
RGBColourmap RGBColourmap is an object that allows various colourmaps to be generated from RGB nodes.

Exception Summary
MapNeedsGeneratingException This exception is thrown by a colourmap when the user attempts to read a value from the map without generating it beforehand.

processing library gwoptics by Daniel Brown and Andreas Freise. (c) 2009 onwards