
Class Summary
CoolColourmap CoolColourmap extends RGBColourmap and is a gradient of cyan at 0.0 to magneta at 1.0.
FlipColourmap FlipColourmap extends RGBColourmap and is a custom made map with black in the center and bright for smaller and a larger values.
GrayScaleColourmap GrayScaleColourmap extends RGBColourmap and is a gradient of black at 0.0 to white at 1.0.
HotColourmap HotColourmap extends RGBColourmap and is a gradient of black at 0.0, red at 0.5 and white at 1.0.
PresetColourmaps This class defines only one static member to retrieve various presets.
WarmColourmap WarmColourmap extends RGBColourmap and is a gradient of red at 0.0 to yellow at 1.0.

Enum Summary

processing library gwoptics by Daniel Brown and Andreas Freise. (c) 2009 onwards